4 Strategies for a Stand-out Resume

tailor your resume

Putting together a resume is a daunting task for any job seeker. Did you know most resumes are only reviewed for 6-8 seconds? And even still, it’s becoming more and more common for companies to filter through resumes using AI and other resume-parsing tools. With hiring managers spending less and less time looking over a […]

3 Tips for Navigating Hazardous Environments

Houses Flooding Image

As field adjusters, hazardous environments are just another part of the job. Before setting foot out in the field, remember: safety is your compass. When Mother Nature throws you a curveball in the form of unpredictable terrain, it’s important to approach with caution and patience. Staying grounded – both literally and figuratively – ensures you […]

New to Adjusting? Here’s Where to Start.

New to Adjusting? Here’s Where to Start

Deciding to pursue a new career path is scary. We’re breaking it down into a step-by-step process to help make the change a little less intimidating and a whole lot more exciting. What is an insurance adjuster? When someone files a claim on their insurance policy, insurance adjusters (or claims adjusters) investigate to determine liability, […]