Leadership Spotlight: Armando Andrade

When he first joined TheBest Claims Solutions in 2017, Armando was determined to leave his mark. Between his years of experience and unmatched knowledge, Armando has built a claims division that truly reflects our mission of providing quality solutions that put people first. All while aiming to make his family proud. In celebration of 6 […]

Packages from Home

When it comes to organizations focused on giving back, a standout in our community is Packages from Home. Founded in 2004, Packages from Home has dedicated itself to supporting our nation’s veterans, and the impact it has had is truly remarkable. Over the years, they have provided a staggering 463 tons of essential items to […]

Leadership Spotlight: Erika Robinson

When you first meet Erika Robinson, you’ll be met with her contagious optimism and energetic personality, and you’ll immediately understand why she’s passionate about building relationships with clients. It’s something that has always come naturally, being a friend to others. Since joining our company 11 years ago, Erika has built a team of client experience […]

3 Tips for Navigating Hazardous Environments

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As field adjusters, hazardous environments are just another part of the job. Before setting foot out in the field, remember: safety is your compass. When Mother Nature throws you a curveball in the form of unpredictable terrain, it’s important to approach with caution and patience. Staying grounded – both literally and figuratively – ensures you […]

Your Guide to Every Catastrophe Adjuster’s Toolkit

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It’s summer, which in the world of IAs means the first big storm is right around the corner. And whether you’re a veteran or just starting out, every independent adjuster needs to have all their essentials ready to go as soon as a storm hits. Our pros walked us through the items they don’t dare […]